Get An Extra Catalytic Cleaner For Free | & Free Delivery For All Orders
Are you a car owner?
This message will save you lots of stress and money if you continue reading to the end.
My name is Benjamin Achibong, an Uber driver who operates in the city of Lagos. It was barely 7months I started my Uber business after I was laid off my job.
My driving business was going quit well for the first 5 to 6 months, until March 16th, 2022 when I had a very ugly experience with my car.
It was on a Friday evening, I was booked for a ride from Surulere to Island. Not too long I had picked-up my rider and headed to His destination.
About 25minutes into the journey my check-engine light flashed up for like 15seconds and went off.
I didn’t think it was something serious, so I never bothered, while I continued my ride.
About 12mins to the end of the ride, the check-engine light came up again, but this time didn’t go off, then followed with a very scary engine sound.
As I managed to complete the ride, there was this sharp engine sound that lasted for 30seconds while I was still on pedals.
But prior to that, I had in mind to visit my mechanic because I noticed my exhaust was emitting dark smokes with some offensive smell.
So over the weekend I paused work to get my car fixed at the mechanic. On getting there, my mechanic ran a check on the engine and discovered my engine was half way knocked, hence the sharp sound I heard the previous day while I was riding a client.
I had never felt so badly in a while, but I literally was helpless on hearing that the only option I had was to replace the engine. This was to cost me about 470k because it was a v6 engine.
As I enquired further from my mechanic to know the actual cause of that engine knock, this was what he said below;
There are top signs that your car Engine performance has dropped.
As a serious car owner there are signs you should not ignore while driving, and this could save you a lot of damage on your Engine.
Often times these problems are of HIGH FUEL CONSUMPTION, DARK EXHAUST EMISSION and BAD ENGINE sound.
These problems as minor as it may appear will cost you lots of money if you do not pay a close attention to it.
At some point as a car owner, if you take every bit of your car performances very seriously, you may begin to notice some unfamiliar or strange engine inefficiency sounds.
These problems are often as a result of high level of bad carbon deposits that has clogged into the engine parts, thereby increasing the frictions between engine parts that results to bad engine sound and subsequently engine knock.
If you noticed any of these inefficiencies in your car, then your Catalyst Converter and engine is at a BIG RISK and you need to act fast to save your engine or you will risk an engine failure..
Not paying attention to this could cost you a lot, because having your catalyst converter damaged and replaced is more expensive and can cost as much as 100k to 150k depending on your car brand and model.
Or you also risk having engine knock and buying a new engine, that will cost you more.
But some mechanics won’t be sincere enough to tell you about this, because they want to keep extorting money from you by repeatedly making irrelevant repairs.
The catalytic converter is a key component of the exhaust system of a car: It changes some properties of the harmful gases which are produced when running the engine.
It helps in curbing excessive fuel consumption and makes the engine perform at optimal pace by enhancing complete combustion in your car engine.
There is now a better and more effective method to clean your catalyst system and restore your engine and save yourself money on heavy repairs.
The 2-in-1 Engine Treatment Is an effective Engine additive that helps to stop engine smoke, jerking, bad engine sound, and reduce internal engine wears and tears. As well as stops oil shortage caused by oil burn in the engine.
You can use it on both Fuel and Diesel Engine. From 4plugs to 8plugs
You can use it for all types of car brands.
Yes! Using the 2-in-1 complete treatment will fix all engine smoke.
Yes, it stop shorting of engine oil. Most engine oil shorting are caused by high heat generated by the engine, which causes the engine oil to burn. So this product coagulates with the engine oil, providing resistance to oil burn and regulates the heat from the engine.Â
You can use it at 4 to 16weeks interval.
Yes, you must finish the content bottles in one application.
The Yellowish-Gold Bottle is added to the fuel tank, while the transparent bottle is for the oil tank.
This is so far the best car product i have bought this year. First I was skeptical to try this, because my car was a new car. But the result I got after using was way surprising. One product that cleans engine, catalytic converter and still clears check-engine light code. My car even accelerates more better now. I recommend this.
An excellent product to Boost engine performance. It really works just as stated. my mechanic almost discouraged me from using it, but i insisted, and the result afterwards was worth it. I give it a 5star.
I have received the product and used it on my car. It worked for me, because my car has been jetting over 2weeeks now, but I could fix it with this wonderful product.
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